Thursday, 31 December 2015

New Year...a new me as well?

Hello Everyone

I'm sat here nearly at the end of my Christmas holiday and I'm watching Grey's Anatomy. 2015 has been a defining year for me in more ways than one. I fell in love, I had my heart broken, I've cried more times than I can count and I also made huge steps with my University degree, which I think has made me a better teacher. This holiday hasn't been completely relaxing and enjoyable for me, so I think it would be safe to say that I want to end 2015 on a high. I've decided to spend it having a girly night in with my Mum and my Auntie and the pooches, with takeaway and wine! I am looking forward to 2016. I will be once again beginning the year single, which will be nothing new! I mean I've never actually been in a relationship over Christmas and New Year so it won't be that much of a change right? Difficult decisions were made regarding my relationship status and unfortunately there was nothing I could really do to keep that working anymore. I'm not going to lie I'm upset, but I'm also positive that I will find the right person for me eventually and that will be the right thing for me! I have lots to look forward to in 2016 so I don't have time to mope around the house and be upset. Megan needs to focus on applying for jobs, teaching and spending time with friends and family.

A sad note is that I also have yet to move into my house. It's annoying to see it sat there almost ready, however Mum doesn't want me moving in when I haven't got the essentials in there (a working shower). Obviously that is so important when coming home from a stressful day teaching and I want to relax! So I'm going to dedicate weekends and free time to go and finish the house whenever I can fit it in and I'm sure my lovely family will also help out. I am really am so thankful for them and they've made this festive period easier and happier for me. 

New Years Resolutions, I've never been very good at making them, let alone keeping them! However, this year I am ready to make a few and stick to them I'm determined! Now I am single I am ready to focus on me and get fit. I want to lose weight and get the body I know I deserve, which in turn will help me grab the man I deserve. The second resolution is to get a job teaching in a school I am really happy with. The dream is obviously to be an Early Years Teacher, however as long as i'm in a good school that is supportive and values me I'm happy with Years 1 and 2 too. My final resolution is to be happy. I can do this by spending time with family and friends and being happy with myself. 

So I'm sorry for being away for a while, it's bad of me. I didn't want to bore you and I also didn't feel like writing when I was so low. Although, here I am ready to continue on this journey with you. I'm ready to share things with you because this is a place I can just puke my feelings and somehow make them form words. 

Thank you so much for sticking with me, I really appreciate it. 

OOOH! How could I forget?! I also started writing for Spice UK Online this year. I haven't posted so much as I have been busy and priorities have taken over, but I am ready to change that this year and schedule some posts. 

I hope you have all had a good Christmas and are ready to ring in the New Year! Please get in touch on my social media links and drop me a message if you like. 

Let me know what your resolutions are in the comments below! Thank you again!

"The rest is still unwritten"


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(my profile on the website, which also has all my posts I've written as well. Give me some support it will be appreciated!)

Monday, 9 November 2015

Moody Monday's Volume 21: Honesty

Hello Everyone.

Now for those who tune in at 5pm every Monday to read my post you probably saw that I wrote about a recent break up I was going through. After speaking with Luke I decided to remove it, as although that was what I was feeling in that moment, maybe it wasn't right to post it on social media at that time. I want to be completely honest with you all that I am actually going through one of the most stressful and confusing times to date, the last time I felt this way was in Sixth Form in my final year of A Levels. I put it down to it being my final year of University, it's important and becoming a teacher means I am entering into one of the most stressful and hard jobs there is right now. There is no right answer on how to do things right, and that's really scary.

I did spend the weekend with Luke and we seem to have resolved our issues for now. One thing I have learned is that you can't fully forget a problem, but you can move past it. I don't want to dwell on all the bad things that went wrong, I want to focus on the here and now and be with someone who genuinely does make me happy. We just need to work on a few things. I guess another thing I have learned is communication and listening. I find it so difficult to admit I am wrong, but I am aware more than ever now that I have a few things to work on. I just need to remember to find a balance between Luke, University, Friends, Family and Placement, because right now these are my main focus.

Blogging is also something I love and if I'm being honest (again) it really is a way for me to get my feelings down and out there for all to see. I want you to see me for me, with a few edits in places of course. I now understand that I just need to be careful what I write. I didn't think how the previous post would affect Luke and for that I am sorry.

Another big change in my life is losing someone who I thought was a close friend. I guess we ended up taking different paths and moving on to other things in our lives and we weren't the right fit for each other anymore. A few events that happened over the weekend left me feeling betrayed, but I truly did want to work out the issues we had. I guess you can't force someone to want to see you as a friend and that was a hard thing for me to realise. I can't call someone a true friend if they're willing to hurt me and not think of me as a friend. *cue BMTH- True Friends*

I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who reads my rambles. Half the time I write a post I sit in silence staring at the screen letting my fingers type away every thought in my mind. Sometimes it can be great writing and other times less than perfect. However, I enjoy writing and posting for you all. I feel like this is my safe place to just tell you all how I'm feeling in the hope that someone, maybe one of you understands me? They say everything gets better and you understand life more when you're an adult. Although, I feel as lost as ever and my mind is definitely confused. Nevertheless, I'm not going to be beaten and I am going to get on with my assignments and prepare for placement, which starts next Monday (16th). Now that is a scary thought!

Once again thank you for reading. I welcome you to comment below if you are going through similar things to me or you just want a chat with me! My email is available here too. I hope you are all well and you're ready for this new week. I want the days to drag because I really need to get stuck into these assignments if I have any hope of doing well.

"The rest is still unwritten"


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Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Book Review: Girl Online On Tour

Hello Lovely Readers!

I have just finished reading Girl Online On Tour and I writing this review to let you know what I thought of it. I won't be giving too much away, as I hate when reviews basically tell you everything that happens! I want you to understand my feelings from the book and how I felt afterwards.

It has been so long since I have had time on an evening to sit and read a book. I always feel so tired when I actually get into bed, that I end up playing on my phone for a bit before sleeping. After reading Zoe Sugg's first book 'Girl Online' I couldn't wait for the sequel. I like to think of this book as something to satisfy the teenager still living inside of me. It's a guilty pleasure book I can't deny that. My boyfriend kindly went to Leeds on the day of the release so I could start reading this book, however I didn't get round to reading it until Sunday. I started at 10am and after a few breaks, food and a shower I finally finished it at 5pm. A day well spent! I was gutted after finishing reading the final few pages, even with an extra chapter, (exclusive to Waterstones) it still wasn't enough. If you're looking to buy the book I would definitely recommend buying it from here just for the extra chapter, which provides an insight into how the book may continue now that things have changed drastically for Penny.

One thing I loved about this book was that it wasn't a 'happily ever after' ending. It wasn't a sad one either, it left much to the imagination as to where this book could continue, if Zoe ever did decide to write another. I think there is scope to take these characters further. I definitely think there would be grounds to continue the story to see how Penny can continue on her own path. Whilst reading the two books you definitely see her as a character that follows what other people are doing and now she has broken away from that it would be interesting to see where her dreams take her. I think we can also agree we want to see the return of Elliot and Alex, both characters I love.

Another thing I loved about this book was the addition of character 'Leah Brown'. She was a character I didn't like in the first book, but that wasn't hard since she didn't really get mentioned much and when she did it was bad! Now that we've seen her character develop throughout this book, we learn more about her and come to like her, just as Penny does. It really feels as if you can get inside the lead character Penny and understand how these events effect the choices she makes. Sometimes I found myself screaming at the book in the hope the plot would change (silly I know)! Nevertheless, a surprise was that I found myself growing to love Leah, simply because of her friendship with Penny. I think that definitely shows us how you can make friends in the most unlikely of circumstances.

I won't lie, parts of the book made me so emotional. Not crying. I was angry...especially at Noah. I don't want to spoil too much of the plot, although I really do love how this book can provoke all sorts of different emotions from people. I was so invested in the plot and was eager to find out what happened next. This may be the reason why I read it so quickly! I truly believe that my inner teenager loved this story. I find myself relating so much to Penny. When she mentioned her favourite Winnie The Pooh Character being Piglet, I couldn't help but slightly over react. If you stepped into my bedroom you'd seen an abundance of Piglet related items, as he is too my favourite character ever since I was young. I also related to her clumsiness, as I too trip or fall and don't even try to get me to walk in heels! It will not end well! I think Zoe has outdone herself on this book. Being able to create characters that readers can relate to are difficult, I think that's why I struggle to properly start some books, let alone finish! Girl Online and Girl Online On Tour, were both books I easily managed to become engrossed in. I think that is testament to it being a plot, call it cliche, that I really love.

So if you're looking for a new book to read and you are interested in these books I can thoroughly recommend both these books! Girl Online On Tour especially was my favourite of the two. It provided lots of twists and bombshells I was not expecting, which made for an interesting read.

Overall, I am going to rate Girl Online On Tour 5/5 stars. It might be a book I reread again soon (when I find a spare day).

I know these types of books aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I think everyone has a right to an opinion. So good or bad share your thoughts about these books below! Alternatively, get in touch with me, via my social media links below!

"The rest is still unwritten"


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Monday, 26 October 2015

Moody Monday's Volume 20: Motivation

Hello Bloggers!

It has been such a long time since my last post and honestly I have missed writing on this page. These past couple of months have been a whirlwind for me with regards to University. I'm half way through the first term back and I am already feeling the pressure of final year! I have all these assignments due in for the 12th of November as well as a presentation and getting ready for my final placement. I have to admit it's quite overwhelming for me. We had a meeting the other day about final year placement and the importance of it. That was such a scary meeting, simply because the reality that I would soon be applying for jobs hit me. I will soon have to grow up and realise that this is now my career. Daunting. On the other hand I am ready to be a teacher of my own class. Only then can I begin to learn more from experience and get one step closer to being the teacher I hope I will one day become. As well as being daunting, it is also exciting. I am looking forward to graduating and celebrating with my friends rounding off what has been a fab three years at University. I hope to graduate with a first and that's why I'm using this blog as a break for myself between writing assignments. I am more than willing to put in the effort so that I am able to improve on my essays with the help of the learning hub, hopefully allowing me to bump my high 2:1 up to a first.

One thing I have also noticed with the pressure of final year is my diet. Wow, I am unhealthy. My reliance on sweet treats and fatty guilty pleasures has become ridiculous and my ever growing waistline is becoming a problem for me. I really wish that whilst I was trying hard at Uni, I felt motivated to go for a run or diet. I suppose I can't have everything in that sense, and sometimes my mood causes me to lean towards the very foods that don't do anything for me. BOO. Nevertheless, I'll continue to hold out hope that one day my body will soon reduce in size and I will end up looking fabulous. Until that day though I shall just continue to slouch in my pjs watching Netflix to pass the time.

I have a busy few weeks ahead of me and the hard work starts now! For all of you in my position we CAN do this! If you're like me and you are striving for a high grade in your degree work hard. I know it feels like you aren't doing enough, but I assure you that you are. Just take your work in stages and the workload will soon decrease and you'll feel better when you see your hard work rewarded. I will also say that you need to remember how valuable your close friends are. I have never been so thankful for best friends these past few weeks. They help me keep on track with my work, they read through my essays when I'm worrying and they also listen to me rant about how I'm obviously going to fail final year before reminding me that I can succeed this year and that I need to keep going.

I also need to thank my family as well as Luke for sticking with me even when my moods turn ugly. I will admit I have resembled Bridget Jones these last few months, personality as well as comfy attire! However, I won't apologise for that and will instead thank them for reminding me that I can do this and one day I will be a fab teacher. Sidetone: Thank you to Luke for buying me pie. It's bad for my waistline, but good for the mood.

Anyway I will cute this post slightly shorter than normal. I just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive and kicking. I'm just swamped with Uni work!

I love you all, let me know how you're doing!

"The rest is still unwritten"


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Monday, 10 August 2015

Moody Monday's Volume 19: BBQ Weather

Hello Bloggers! 

I am feeling a bit stuffed today. Lets just say that I've eaten well over the weekend! I have enjoyed the beautiful weather by having three, yes three BBQ's. I have to say I enjoyed every one of them. My Dad is a top barbecuer. Apart from having so much meat I could burst I have also been collating the items I will be taking with me to the new house. I am very very excited. Moving day could be as soon as Friday. I'm hoping that once I get my house all sorted I could do a cute tour video around my room and put it on YouTube. Then you could see how everything I have purchased fits into my new little home! 

As well as that I am currently working on a spending post showing you've everything I've bought recently, a haul yay! Hopefully, you'll like that when it's up. The weather turned a bit rubbish today. It's been on and off torrential rain, but it's a nice change as I was getting a bit too warm. Luckily I've stayed inside most of today. 

I have also restarted getting into COD (Call of Duty) again. It's terrible I know but I just couldn't help myself! Luke and I have been playing it together which is quite cute. I need everyone to know though that I am better than him obviously!

Speaking of Luke, yesterday we celebrated 6 months together. It has been difficult at times, but I take comfort in knowing every time we have a problem we can work it out and we are stronger for it. 

Back to food, I went for lunch with my friend Fran today at Harvester and can I just say that it was really lovely. I had the half roast chicken with chips and gravy and it was so tasty. For a cheap place to go I wasn't expecting much and yet it was a really nice afternoon treat. I will definitely be going again soon!

I will also be seeing Megan on Wednesday hopefully. It will be nice to see someone from Uni, seen as how I haven't really managed to see anyone over the holidays! A bit sad really. However, a catch up KFC and chat is much needed with Megan so it needs to happen soon!

I think I will cut it short there guys. Can I just lastly say thank you to you all for staying with me through this journey on my blog. I got a lovely message the other day and it really makes it all worth it when you tell me you still enjoy my posts. 

Love you all!

"The rest is still unwritten"


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Monday, 3 August 2015

Moody Monday's Volume 18: London 27/07 - 30/07

Hello Bloggers! 


Yes I have said before how much I love London and last week I was lucky enough to visit again. This time I didn't plan much as I wanted to take every day as it came. Luke stayed at mine Sunday evening before we went as we had to catch the train early and I thought it might be nice just to have a nice evening chilling out. Mum made a roast dinner and then we ended up playing COD and watching New Girl. 

We caught the train from Halifax to Leeds in the morning. It was chucking it down with rain and I was praying that the weather would be better when we finally got down to London. I did not want to have a full week of rain, whilst I was trying to explore! I was panicking as usual because the train to Leeds was being delayed and I really thought we'd miss our train (luckily we didn't) and soon we were settled into first class enjoying our first cup of tea. The journey down was really nice. I chose the BLT sandwiches on granary bread with parsley mayonnaise, chocolate cake and crisps. I was boring and just had tea, water and diet coke. Luke chose the mozzarella, pesto and tomato sandwiches on white (we swapped a sandwich each and these were really nice) with chocolate cake and crisps. He decided to have Magners and tea.

We arrived in sunny London at 1.30 and we headed for the tube. We were staying at Bethnal Green Travelodge. I'd never stayed here before so I didn't really know where I was going. I was dying to get checked in because it was so warm and obviously I'd travelled in my bulky clothes so I wanted to change...FAST! We checked in and after finding a problem with our first room the lady at reception quickly swapped us to another room, which we were much happier with. After unpacking, which means I basically tried to find something in my suitcase but ended up emptying everything out, I collapsed on the bed to watch a bit of telly. 

We were meeting Luke's Auntie for dinner near St Paul's, so I hopped in the shower and put on my new H&M playsuit, tied my hair up in a bun because it was so warm and re did my make up. We caught the tube (I like catching the tube it can be fun when it's not too crowded) to St Paul's and waited around until we could see his Auntie. After much deliberation we decided to go and eat at Zizzi's. I'd never been there before, but since it was Italian of course I would like it. Yes, surprise surprise I picked Spaghetti Carbonara. Auntie Gilly and I decided to share a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, which went really well with my pasta. We shared cheesy garlic bread to start which was on ciabatta bread and seemed to have red onions caramelised on it. My main came and I was so excited to tuck in and eat it! The sauce was smokey and really delicious I couldn't stop eating it. Soon Luke was sniffing at mine and was ready to finish it of course. I knew I had to stop eating at some point so I did let him finish my food (how nice of me). 

Auntie Gilly then took us to the Sky Bar called Madison's. I was in awe at the view. London looks stunning all lit up at night. I'm afraid my photos don't do it justice! 

We were ordering cocktails. I love cocktails and I have many favourites so I did find it hard to choose. I ended up having a Bellini. Well two by the end of the evening! We sat there and enjoyed our drinks and had a chat. It really was a wonderful end to a good evening! The tube back was really easy as well so that wasn't a pain or worry either! 


I woke up early because I was far too warm. I turned on the TV and watched some daytime TV whilst I waited to wake Luke up. By the time he woke up I was finally allowed to make a cuppa and have some custard creams (yay). I did want to lazily get ready as I was still really tired. However, once we were ready to go I decided to take Luke to Polo Bar. I raved about this last time I was in London so I was really excited to take him there and see what he thought. I ordered a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. Most of the hot chocolates I order are really watery and not chocolatey at all, so I was wary when ordering this. However I needn't have worried as this was one of the best hot chocolates I have ever had! Yes a big claim indeed, but I was impressed. Luke ordered a Cherry Bakewell milkshake and The American breakfast as well. It did look really nice but I'm not a big fan of cherry. I did try it and it was surprisingly nice! 

We then decided to be super touristy and explore the sights. We caught the train to Holborn and then walked to Covent Garden where we walked round and watched a few performers. We then just kept walking. To Leicester Square and down to Trafalgar Square where this man ended up making a bracelet for me (trust me I didn't ask for one). It was a nice keepsake I suppose. We then walked further down to Buckingham Palace. I never realised how close we were from when I was staying at Green Park with Adeline. We then walked to Big Ben and saw the London Eye and we finally managed to find a bench and sit down over looking the Thames. It was a really beautiful day and I was surprised by how far we'd walked. Thank god we'd had nice weather! We were definitely feeling hot and sweaty by this point so we decided to leisurely walk back up to the station and get the tube back to our hotel to have a shower before we had to leave again. 

I was really looking forward to what my dad had planned. We were going to Jamie's first (my favourite place for Prosecco) and then Moo Grill for Dinner. We met my dad and he ordered drinks and we chatted about our day and showed him our pictures. We had 2 hours there before our table was booked so I ordered some nachos to share between us as I'd had them last time I'd visited with Adeline. I was trying to book a show for Luke and I to see on Wednesday but everywhere was either sold out or really expensive. My mum had told us about The Book of Mormon Lottery and we had decided to venture out the next day and see if we could win a pair of front row seats for £20 each. After finishing our drinks we headed to Moo Grill. I was really ready to scoff some food! We ordered some starters to share (Argentine Chorizo, Provolone Cheese and Chicken Empandas). I then ordered a 300g Fillet Steak with a side order of Mash Potatoes, Luke ordered a 400g Sirloin Steak with a side order of Fries, and my Dad ordered a 400g Rib Eye with a side order of Mash Potatoes. The food was divine. I also ordered Sauvignon Blanc to drink with my meal (good choice Megan). I was also once again persuaded to have a dessert and I ordered Panqueque which are crepes served with 'dulce de leche'. They were so so so nice ( I had them the previous times I've been so I know they're nice). I was full to bursting so I was definitely done for the night! Dad walked us back to the tube station and we set off back to the hotel. It was only one stop back to Bethnal Green from Liverpool Street Station.

When you're too small to fit in a selfie...

Our bracelets we had made for us


We got up earlier than yesterday and after quickly throwing on our clothes we headed for the tube and caught the train to Holborn again. After strolling down to the Prince of Wales Theatre. Here we intended on entering The Book Of Mormon Lottery so that we could watch the matinee performance. Whilst we waited we shared a KFC as we had skipped breakfast to get here quickly. I have to admit I was feeling really unlucky. What you have to do is get to the theatre 2 and a half hours before the performance to fill out a slip, which allows you to be entered into the lottery to win front row seats. It's really fun crowding round to see who's going to win. I can't remember exactly how many were drawn but I was the 4th/5th person picked. I didn't think I'd win at all and then they said my name! I was so happy because I never would have been able to afford tickets otherwise. I grabbed Luke and we headed for the Box Office. We had 2 hours to kill before the show was due to start so we went to Prezzo as I had brought my Natwest Tastecard with me, which allowed me to get 241 on meals. I ordered Pollo Carbonara and Luke ordered the Spaghetti Carbonara. I was literally skipping to the theatre I was that excited. The seats were unbelievable, I would never have been able to afford them otherwise. We settled in and waited for the show to begin. I don't want to give too much away because then it wouldn't be surprising if you went to see it yourselves. All I would say would be for you to go and listen to the soundtrack and read about it on their website. It has such good reviews and I think it's one of the best musicals I have seen yet. I have never laughed so much at a show and everyone else was in agreement. Most of the front row stood up at the end and a few other people in the audience It really was an incredible show. I just want to see it again now. It has become my new obsession as I now listen to the soundtrack at least twice a day if not more.

I was very happy to win tickets!

The show finished at 5pm so we headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner and decide on where we would eat. After texting my Dad and giving us a few helpful tips we headed back to Liverpool Street where we ate at The Rajasthan Indian Restaurant. Very different from where we'd previously eaten that week, which was a good thing. I ordered Onion Bhaji's and a Chicken Korma with a Plain Naan, whilst Luke opted for the Sheek Kebab and a Lamb Madras with Garlic Naan. We shared the Naans between us. The whole meal was really nice and it was a really lovely way to finish what had been an exciting day. After making the trip back to the hotel and popping in the Sainsburys we decided to have a quiet night in and watched some TV and ate some sweets as we had to leave in the morning. I was really sad as I still felt like there was so much more I wanted to do.


I woke up early again and hopped in the shower before starting to pack away my many clothes and shoes. We weren't in too much of a rush as we were due to catch the 11.35 train back to Leeds so we had plenty of time to pack and head for breakfast before getting on the train home. After hauling our suitcases one stop on the tube to Liverpool Street we went to the Polo Bar again for breakfast and had exactly what we had on the Tuesday morning. It was definitely a good way to end our trip! After fuelling up for the day ahead we navigated our way onto the right tube, which would take us to Kings Cross St Pancras, before dragging my heavy suitcase up to the station above. I couldn't wait to get myself settled into first class and get drinking my many cups of tea!

The journey home was stress free and I was sad to be leaving. However, I'm sure it won't be long before I'm in London again and I will no doubt tell you all about it! 

I hope you enjoyed this post and my pictures. I would definitely recommend The Book Of Mormon to you all. If you've also seen it please let me know what you thought of it in the comments below. I've only seen it on the West End so I would love to know how it differs on Broadway. 

Don't forget to click on the links below to follow me on social media I will follow back. 

Hope you all have a lovely week!

"The rest is still unwritten"


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Friday, 24 July 2015

Friday Favourites: Homeware Wants

Hello Everyone! 

As you know I have a house and I will soon be sorting it out ready to move into! As every normal person would I have been searching on the internet for dream stuff to fill my new home with. Now It's not always possible for me to get these things, but I can live in hope...right? You never know I might be able to treat myself or ask for one as a present! I thought this would be a really good post to share with you all.

1. Sabichi Spots 16 Piece Dinner Set- £22.00 from
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this dinnerware set. The design is colourful and cute, which I think would look so lovely in my new home. Pastel pink and blue paired with a beautiful aqua green colour and dark blue means that this set gets the thumbs up from me. I couldn't resist when I saw this online and fingers crossed I might be able to get my hands on this in the near future!

2. Flamingo Cushion- £4.00 from Primark
This bright bold pillow would enable you to inject colour into any living room. However I think this would be a much better addition to a bedroom. This could work either on a bed or even on a chair. I really like this cute design. I'm not a big pink fan, but this allows me to have a girly pillow without being completed offended by the colour pink dominating it! The mint blue as the background is my favourite colour. I love pastels so this is definitely a winner with me!

3. Miami Geo Print Double Duvet- £11.00 from Primark
PASTELS! I love this geometric print for a start. It's a boyish design with girly colours. I love how it's predominantly made up of greys and white with splashes of yellow, pink and blue. I love this understated bed spread and think it would look beautiful in my new room. I think my beloved London bedding has a new contender to deal with!

4. Coral Flamingo Cushion- £4.00 from Primark
COLOURS! I adore this print. The white silhouette of the flamingoes really look so sweet against the coral background. It's understated whilst still allowing you to have that pop of colour in your room. I think this would look really nice on the bed along with the geometric print bedding further up.

5. Flamingo Print Throw- £3.00 from Primark
If you know me you will know how much I LOVE a blanket. I'm definitely a cosy comfort person and this throw is super soft and would keep most people snug in the winter months. The light grey allows the deep coral flamingoes to pop which I really like. It's a design that is different from most of the throws I've seen at the minute and I can already imagine snuggling on my sofa in the living room after a busy day! Only £3?! Lovely!

6. Grey Geo Print Cushion- £4.00 from Primark
This is the same print as the duvet set featured above and I would love to see this added to my new sofas. I've already said how much I love the design. I wish it was a larger pillow in the same shape as the flamingo one above as they are comfier on the sofa.

7. JVC LT-50C750 Smart 50" LED TV- £379.00 from Currys
Ooh pricey item! I love watching TV and films. It's what I do to relax snuggled up on the sofa with a blanket and a cuppa. This TV is currently in the Currys sale and it is a dream. I doubt I will actually get this particular model but there is no harm in wishing is there? You currently save £150.00 on this TV because of their sale! Lot's of movie marathons and box sets to watch on this! YAY!

8. DYSON V6 Animal Cordless Vacuum Cleaner (Purple)- £319.99 from Currys
I need a vacuum it's a necessity. My mum bought one of these and I am obsessed. There is so much you can do with these. They are lightweight and as it is cordless you are able to do stairs and vac the car quick and easy. No fuss needed! I really enjoy vacuuming as a result (yes yes it's weird I know) but it isn't even seen as a chore when it's this easy!

"The rest is still unwritten"


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Tuesday, 21 July 2015

On Tuesday's I eat cake

Hello Bloggers! 

As you all will be aware now I love baking (especially cakes). When I went to The Great Yorkshire Show I made rainbow cupcakes with jam and buttercream icing- yum! 


175 Stork Margarine 
175g Self Raising Flour 
175g Caster Sugar
3 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
Dr. Oetker Gel Food Colouring in colours; 
Sky Blue, Hot Pink, Sunshine Yellow, Bright Red, Neon Orange

When I'd mixed all the ingredients up I divided the mixture between 5 bowls and coloured them. I then filled the 12 cupcake tin in with my new cupcake cases from Sainsbury's, they're called London Calling. They are really cute. They have 3 different designs; red with white spots, white with union jacks on and blue with beefeaters on. Although I'd layered the cake mix I would've probably made a bigger mix next time as the layers needed to be bigger and it was a struggle to fill all the cases equally! I left them in the oven for 25-30 minutes before leaving them to cool on a rack. I then cut a circle out of the top and added a dollop of Bonne Maman Strawberry Jam and some buttercream. I don't use exact measurements for the buttercream I just mix icing sugar and butter until it's how I like it!

I was really pleased with how they turned out and everyone said they loved them. I really should start baking more and try and sell them somewhere (I wish).

Update: I made these for Luke's cricket teas on Saturday and I piped the mixture into the cases, which was time consuming but worked so much better layering the cupcakes! They worked fab and the colours were so bright! I really love making these cupcakes filled with buttercream and jam- YUM!

Hope you're having a good start to the week! Click on the links below to keep following me and seeing my updates!

"The rest is still unwritten"


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Monday, 20 July 2015

Moody Monday's Volume 17: The Great Yorkshire Show, Baking, Blog posts

Happy Monday Everyone! 

I hope you've all had a good weekend. Mine was busy as usual. This time focused on baking so that I could help Luke's Mum with cricket teas. I made Rainbow Cupcakes and M&M and White Chocolate Fudge Brownies. It is fair to say that they went down a treat!

The house is nearly finished and I should be able to get the keys soon so I can start doing what work I can on it. So a post will be following later this week on my 'Homeware wants'. These will be the items that I would love to purchase for my home in an ideal world. However, of course I need to stop spending quite so much so I might not end up buying anything on that list- but a girl can dream still!

This time next week I will be in London with Luke ready for our mini break away together. I'm really looking forward to spending some time together and exploring a bit more of the city I have come to love. I always find there are not enough hours in the day to explore what I want to of London so hopefully I will get to do a bit more of that since we are staying in one hotel and we can get up and go! I can't say I'm one to plan down to the last minute of what we will do. I'm more of a get up and see where the day takes me. We've planned two dinners but most of what we do will depend on the weather! Fingers crossed for some sunshine! As I'm in London next week I will be scheduling some blog posts before I go, however if I do take my laptop I will try and upload a post whilst I'm away. I will most likely fail at doing this, but I will also be uploading pictures to my instagram page so make sure you're following me @therestisstillunwrittenblog I will be following people back!

I also went to The Great Yorkshire Show last week and saw lots of piggies, cows, horses and sheep. I ate lots of food and I had such a good day with my cousin, auntie and boyfriend. The weather was beautiful, I think you could tell as I had a bit of sunburn on my face! It was my first year there and I would definitely return. I saw Prince Charles as well!

Hope you all have a great week! Look out for my posts Tuesday and Friday. You can also click the links below to follow me on social media for my updates between posts.

"The rest is still unwritten"


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Friday, 17 July 2015

Friday Favourites: Pandora Wish List

Hello Everyone! 

I have two pandora bracelets now and I have an ever growing wish list. I doubt I will end up adding these to my collection unfortunately, but a girl can dream!

1. 'Darling Daisy Meadow Openwork Charm' - £55.00

Pandora released it's new Rose Collection recently and there are some nice pieces in there, however out of the bunch this is my favourite. The white flowers look really pretty and dainty against the rose gold surround. I think this would look really pretty on my bracelet, definitely a contrast compared to some of the other pieces I have on my bracelet already.

2. 'Ocean Mosaic Pavé Ball Charm' - £55.00

I really like this charm. It's collection of aqua, clear and green crystals make it my perfect charm. Green in my favourite colour but I love the fact that this charm has added aqua crystals as well as clear ones. I don't have many coloured charms on my bracelet so I think this will fit in nicely.

3. 'Tumbling Leaves Charm' - £60.00

I love the charms that have splashes of gold on them. They're appealing to the eye whilst not being too harsh on your purse! This beautiful tumbling leaves charm is dainty and delicate and would be the perfect addition to anyone's bracelet, especially if you have favoured the silver charms and fancy something a little different. £60.00 may seem like a hefty price tag but an investment for the good of your bracelet!

4. 'Green Pavé Inspiration Charm Spacer' - £30.00

One thing I have noticed a lack of on my bracelets particularly my new one is spacers, especially ones with colour. This small pavé charm is a great understated addition to any bracelet. I like the fact that it is small with a pop of colour so even if you're not a big lover of colour on your bracelets its not 'in your face'.

5. 'Birds and Branches Charm' - £60.00

This charm is similar to the tumbling leaves charm in that is has a hint of gold. I think it would be lovely paired with that charm on your bracelet. It is mainly silver with splashes of green and gold. I love the subtleness of this charm. It is still colourful without being an eye sore, hence why it would be able to be a good addition on most bracelets. Again £60.00 is quite a hefty price tag. I would always ask for more expensive charms as a birthday/Christmas present rather than buying it randomly. This enabled me to have more meaningful charms without breaking the bank.

6. 'Blooming Watering Can Charm' - £30.00

I will be honest I chose this particular charm simply for the cuteness factor. How sweet is it? I'm not a gardner by any means but I think the design of this dinky little watering can melts my heart! Definitely something I have longed to add to my bracelet for a while now! Again this is a charm that adds a splash of colour to your charm bracelet without being a bold eye sore!

7. 'Royal Carriage Charm' - £65.00

I am a huge fan of Disney and I particularly like this charm because it reminds me of so many well loved fairytales. It was my dream as a little girl to one day be a princess so even though I haven't yet become a princess (it could still happen) I would have a little piece of a fairytale on my wrist. Again £65.00 is a little pricey, but I think it's a fitting price tag for a small piece of a fairytale.

8. 'Tea Cup Charm' - £25.00

I won't spend too much time telling you why I love this charm. I LOVE TEA. Therefore a tea cup is the perfect addition to my ever growing charm collection. I am tea mad and this dinky tea cup is a symbol of who I am as a person. It's sweet and neutral enables it to fit in with most other charms colourful or not. At £25.00 it's a steal for a full sized charm when most full sized charms are £30.00.

9. 'Teapot Charm' - £40.00

Every tea cup needs a teapot in which to pour tea from! This perfect little charm is so sweet and has a vintage feel to it as does it's tea cup partner. It is mostly made out of silver but it does have a gold top which is a great addition to an already perfect charm. I would love to add this to my collection one day. Then I can have a tea time collection on my bracelet!

10. 'Cupcake Charm' - £40.00

The perfect pairing with a cup of tea. I love baking them and eating them! Again just another charm to showcase something about myself. I'm all for having a bracelet filled with charms of meaning, whether it be about myself or to signify an important event. This sweet cupcake deserves pride of place next to the tea cup and teapot!

Do you like any of the Pandora charms? If you do let me know which are your favourite I'd love to know!

"The rest is still unwritten"


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