Lovely Readers!
Hope you are all well and had a lovely Christmas.
I start my new job on the 3rd January and whilst I am really excited of course I have that niggling feeling of nervousness. This is completely normal I know, as with any new thing people start. I just know that I'll settle in soon and everything that once seemed new and scary will feel old and I'll be confident with.
Of course I've said it before and I'll happily state it again...2016 has been a hard year for me. In some ways it provided me with some hard lessons to learn and experiences that I would gladly not want to happen again. I hope that this new year will bring exciting new prospects for me, as well as some well earned luck. I always think about new years resolutions, however I never stick to them so my new years resolution this year is not to make any! That way I don't feel guilty for not achieving them simply because I forgot. I do have a few life choices I want to make and explore in 2017. I'd like to make and meet some new friends. I feel like I've grown apart from a lot of people towards the end of 2016 and this coming year I want to find and spend time with the ones who are there for me, whenever I need them. In addition to this I'd love to be healthier. I'm mostly happy with my body, apart from my tummy, but mainly I would like to be fitter. I also want to explore more food choices and change my relationship with food so that I am no longer comfort eating because of stress or unhappy feelings. That's another thing I'm focusing on in 2017! As I said emotionally this year has been hard and I've probably cried enough tears to fill an olympic sized swimming pool. However this coming year I want to focus on being happy and becoming less stressed. I understand that I am entering a particularly stressful job, but I don't want to stress about it so much that I fall out of love with it and lose my passion.
2017 can also bring me some love...or help me find it. This is definitely not something I shall focus on. I don't want to hop into anything new with someone so quickly, I will take my time with this because it's not worth getting hurt again and jeopardising my new job. I always feel like people should stop looking for love, after all love works in magical ways and often ends up finding you when you least expect it. Linking nicely with love I will also not harbour bad feelings or grudges. Yes I may have been hurt or used or neglected by certain people in my life, however by harbouring bad thoughts of bitterness I am only hurting myself not them. By doing this it will also help with my happiness as I can focus on all the happy things in my life and the exciting things to come.
Would also like to say a big thank you to all who have continued to read or who have read my blog throughout 2016. Please understand that with this new job I may not be posting as much as I would like, however I will post as and when I can!
rest is still unwritten"
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