Monday, 15 June 2015

Moody Monday's Volume 15: Let's have a chat

Hello Bloggers! 

Yes, I know I'm terrible at remembering to blog recently! Awful and there isn't an excuse why I haven't so I won't start by making one! A lot of exciting things have happened over the last few weeks and coupled with the beautiful weather we've been having it has made an exciting start to my Summer!

Luke and I. Nice yellow jumper  from Matalan cheers for the hole though guys! Will be taking this back!
I will aim to be more on top of posts this week I assure you! It will be nice to get back into a schedule.

I thought I would write this post early, it's Saturday and I'm watching my boyfriend play cricket however I have been blessed with wi-fi! THANK YOU THE CLOUD! So instead of sitting here pretending to understand the game, which I really don't, I thought it might be useful to do what women do best...multi-task.

Even though I've just mentioned the beautiful weather we've been having it's overcast today so I'm not loving the grey sky, although it is much better than the rain we'd had in the night/early this morning! The temperature isn't bad either so I am rather enjoying sitting in the car, window open, laptop on my knees, leisurely watching the game and praying my boyfriend's team wins (fingers crossed everyone).

Now for those who know me you'll know I am definitely not a sports fan. I despise it and would pick a Netflix day in bed over venturing out of the house to watch it let alone play any! Nevertheless, as Luke plays cricket and it has to be one of the things he possibly loves just as much as me I felt that it was only fair for me to at least try and watch/understand it. This is my third game I am watching now and I am understanding a few things. I finally know how to understand a score. How the scoring system works...I'm still terrible but I'm better than when I first started. I think that's one thing that you must try and do in a relationship, compromise. It's one of those factors that allows a relationship to succeed. I watch cricket and take an interest for Luke, however on a sunny day I quite enjoy it! So if I've done that I ask Luke to compromise and let me watch a Disney film or chick flick. This actually worked as last night I was allowed to watch 25 minutes of Anastasia before deciding to change to watch 'Morning Glory', which Luke actually liked! So yes you could say I'm incredibly happy!

I went into my old Secondary School/Sixth Form on Thursday as my Head of Year and Learning Mentor had been asking my brother if I was coming in to visit. It was nice seeing everyone and how different the Sixth Form looked since I was last there. My teachers said they could see such a difference in myself. I was more positive and definitely more confident. Its nice to hear that when A-Levels was by far one of the hardest two years I have experienced so far. I just look at how far I've come in that time and it's all because I have gone to University. I am finally doing something I enjoy and soon I'll be a fully qualified teacher with my own class. It's very overwhelming as well as exciting.

Sidenote: Luke claps a lot...more than everyone else. Now it's hard to envision this but it's very amusing. The best way to describe it is by thinking of that monkey from Toy Story 3 with the cymbals- yes hilarious.

So as I've said I have a lot of ideas for blogs it's just a case of writing them all so they are ready to be published on time. If I've got some exciting day trips planned I might vlog some bits to add to my blog, therefore it's easier for you to see my day. I will also continue to write my blogs as well as I thoroughly enjoy writing still.

I hope you're all well and enjoying this weather!

"The rest is still unwritten"


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